Snowbirds Can Now Ship Their Cars South For The Winter From More Locations Across Canada

Snowbirds Have More Options to Ship Cars to the U.S.

Snowbird Advisor is pleased to announce good news for snowbirds interested in having their cars shipped back and forth between Canada and the U.S. for the winter.

As of August 2024, our vehicle transport partner, Abrams Auto Transport, has expanded their operations to offer vehicle transport services to and from many new locations across Canada and the U.S.

In addition to servicing snowbirds in Ontario, Abrams Auto Transport has expanded their services in the province of Quebec and has begun offering vehicle transport services for snowbirds in Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick.

Snowbirds in these areas looking to have their cars shipped to and from their U.S. winter destinations can find more information about exclusive preferred vehicle shipping rates for Snowbird Advisor members here.

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